Legionella management plan Ivago

Legionella management plan Ivago

The intermunicipal waste company Ivago in Ghent, has as an employer a number of obligations with regard to Legionella prevention according to the Welfare Act. They are obliged to make a risk inventory and evaluation. This determines whether employees run health risks. 

Ivago has been working on Legionella prevention for years. But now their existing management plans have turned out to be outdated. An update of the plans was therefore required. Ivago approached the experts of Profex for this.

Risk analysis and preparation of a management plan

Our expert subjected the entire water system with various shower rooms and emergency showers on the waste power station for a thorough risk analysis. We then drew up the Legionella management plan. In the management plan, we described various measures to keep the Legionella bacteria under control and to prevent the risk of Legionella infections.


What did Profex?

  • Drawing up a risk analysis

  • Drawing up a Legionella management plan

Interested? Contact us for a proposal.